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Find which machines will be over 5 years old during FY19-20
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create a list of servers about to become over 5 years old and belong to the following groups:

  • MediwWiki (mw*)
  • parsoid (wtp*) ---> this is going to k8s
  • restbase (restbase*)
  • Redis (rdb)
  • memcache & redis (mc*)
  • etcd & zookeeper (conf*)
  • kubernetes
  • Scoring Platform (ores*)
  • Dumps (snapshot*, dumpsdata*) (1/2 labstore1006,7)
  • scb (but this is going away and being folded to kubernetes)
  • thumbor (thumbor*)
  • gerrit

Event Timeline

snapshot1005,6,7 lease will expire Feb 2020; see T213758#4880703

cobalt and phab1002 have been purchased on 2015-12-04. But phab1002 is just a temp replacement for phab1001. But cobalt is affected, that's Gerrit prod.

Dzahn mentioned this in Unknown Object (Task).May 10 2019, 9:50 PM
Joe triaged this task as Low priority.Jun 21 2019, 10:11 AM
Joe raised the priority of this task from Low to Needs Triage.
Joe moved this task from Incoming 🐫 to Doing 😎 on the serviceops board.
Joe triaged this task as Low priority.Jun 21 2019, 10:13 AM