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Citoid: Search on title of old book failed
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Wrote a notice to the community at nowiki about the new search in citoid. Made an example with the title Forelæsninger over den Norske Retshistorie. 2 and it fails. This should not be the journal article, but the book.(search)

I wonder whether citoid adds something that makes this search fail, as a search should be able to should be able to find this book, or whether we could enhance the search somehow. I tried adding Brandt, Damm, and 1883 to no avail. The book is in Danish, could that interfere with the search? The local language at nowiki is Norwegian Bokmål.

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Could it be the final .2 that creates trouble? Even when removed I can't get the correct book, that is the second bind.

Will not be fixed… probably…