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Upload fails for user with non-ASCII characters
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


See here.
MichaelSchoenitzer tried to upload some files with this username: "Michael Schönitzer"
He got this error message

Event Timeline

0x010C changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Bug Report".Apr 10 2020, 3:07 PM

This task is tagged with "Phase 1: January 2020-June 2020" which was a while ago. Could someone please move / update this task? Thanks.

@MichaelSchoenitzer : we are leading a cleaning and paid developers will look on various issues on LL. Could you confirm this bug still occurs ?

I could not reproduce it anymore – although I'm not totally true that I used the same setup as back then. But let's hope it got fixed already. :)

Pamputt claimed this task.

Thank Michael for the ffedback. Let us close this report for now. Feel free to reopen if the problem shows up again.