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Change redirection destination
Closed, ResolvedPublic


WMKR Office requested that the destination of the kr.wm.o changed to 위키미디어 한국. (The page itself is move-protected as a hard-coded destination of kr.wm.o)

Event Timeline

revi triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 28 2019, 9:58 AM
revi created this task.

Change 506895 had a related patch set uploaded (by Revi; owner: Revi):
[operations/puppet@production] Change destination

revi raised the priority of this task from Medium to Needs Triage.May 1 2019, 4:59 AM
revi added a project: SRE.

Can I get an attention from Ops? Seems like this is not eligible for Puppet swat as an apache config changes and preferred way to get SRE attention is to add SRE in the ticket. (Note the target page does not exist yet and has to be moved by me or other meta admin because it is fully protectd)

Change 506895 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] Change destination

13:46 < mutante> revi: it has been applied on mwdebug1001 now if that helps. it will be deployed to all others within 30min max

13:48 < revi> confirmed via mwdebug1001 as well

revi moved this task from Doing to Closed on the User-revi board.

Was done on the day it was merged but all of us forgot to close the ticket.