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Upgrade R in SWAP notebooks to 3.4+
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The R kernel seems to have R version 3.3.3. A model fitting package I often use, rstanarm is only supported for R>=3.4. I hope this isn't a difficult upgrade.

Event Timeline

fdans triaged this task as Medium priority.May 13 2019, 3:25 PM
fdans moved this task from Incoming to Data Exploration Tools on the Analytics board.

This isn't easy :(

We use Debian's upstream R packages, and Debian Stretch. If/when Buster is available to install in prod from the SRE team, it looks like we could upgrade to 3.5.2:

By the way, there's already a task for this: T220542

In which I do point out that there's an official Debian Stretch repo from CRAN that we could get the latest version of R from: