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Internal Error on Recent Changes page when $wgRCShowWatchingUsers = true;
Closed, ResolvedPublic


MediaWiki: 1.32.0
PHP: 7.2.11
Semantic MediaWiki 3.0.2 GPL-2.0-or-later
Semantic Result Formats 3.0.1
Page Forms 4.5
Page Schemas 0.4.9
Cargo 2.1.2 (ab7a941) 10:53, 2019 April 8

I recently added Cargo, Page Schemas and Scribunto to a wiki. That wiki has had $wgRCShowWatchingUsers = true; for a long time, like most of our other wikis where this is not a problem. Now, when I go to Recent Changes, I get an "Internal error" in the title spot and no additional helpful info.
I have enabled debugging, and the only line that looks helpful is
[exception] [XNW7cq3siTcAAFSlazQAAAAE] /index.php?hidebots=1&limit=1000&days=30&enhanced=1&title=Special:RecentChanges&urlversion=2 Wikimedia\Assert\ParameterAssertionException from line 63 of /home/<info I don't want to show>/vendor/wikimedia/assert/src/Assert.php: Bad value for parameter $dbkey: should not be empty

Initially the last page that gets processed before this line is a template that uses a Page Forms autoedit (template incl. autoedits works as expected). When I comment out that autoedit on the template with <!-- -->, the RecentChanges page processes a bit further until it gets to a Form, where it gives the same internal error with the same msg in debug.

Event Timeline

@Tenbergen - sorry for the three-year delay in responding. :( I can't reproduce this problem - do you know if it still happens for you?

@Yaron_Koren - I back then removed the details about which wiki this was about and I don't remember, and I can't replicate this now either. It's probably fair to close this issue.

Yaron_Koren claimed this task.

Okay, great. Hopefully the problem no longer exists!