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Only part of an image description is visible
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT

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Authored By
Jun 11 2019, 4:00 PM
Referenced Files
F29457921: Couscous 2.png
Jun 11 2019, 4:01 PM
F29457928: Couscous 1.png
Jun 11 2019, 4:01 PM
F29457884: Couscous 2.png
Jun 11 2019, 4:00 PM


Description of problem

See the two picts joined.
The ISA Tool is only displaying part of the description.

The campaign where this is noted is : ANT FIRST CAMPAIGN
The file is :

Couscous 2.png (167×1 px, 27 KB)

Cause of problem

The T222492: Commons API call to get Unstructured data for image file only returns text from one level of templates. Any templates within templates are completely ignored, making it look like the description has simply cut-off mid sentence.

Possible solutions

Event Timeline

@NavinoEvans it looks like the issue here is that when there is a "Card" in the commons description we are reading that and not the actual description. Also and links that are in the card are lost.

Mmmm, interestingly this is exactly how it shows on the response from the API call, so something to be fixed at the source I think:

I thought the cards would not show at all for any image (without more complex steps) as they are templates so no actual text on the page. But it seems to store the text with none of the inserted values (Algeria should be inserted by the template in this case).

@Anthere any more examples you find of a partially displaying text from a Card will be very handy. Just to check if there is an error on this one Commons item data, or if it's always like that.

Also need to check more examples of the "multilingual description" template this item is using. It seems like we simply don't get that data for "description" on the Commons API call.
I'm sure we can get the data by doing a separate templates query and reading the values from it, but all sounds way more complex than it should be!

Update: this is waiting on some research and feedback about the Commons API this is the root of the issue

NavinoEvans moved this task from Incoming Bugs to Incoming features on the ISA board.