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FlaggedRevs note box (form) should contain current notes, to be easily changed
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: Wiki.Melancholie

The FlaggedRevs notice box (meaning the editing form for editors: ID "wpNotes" ("mw-notebox")) should contain current notes (those that were given formerly, currently shown on bottom of page "User made the following notes reviewing this revision").

This would allow to easily (re-)adjust/change/(re-)use the existing, former "Observations or notes to display".

So, consider preloading the already used notes of the revision (or the most current?) into the form. Like this, people can remove some obsolete or add some further notes without having to write or copy everything into the form again before rating/reviewing.

At the moment the problem is even that if someone forgets to (re-)add notes to the form, the notes on bottom disappear, all.

If the rating is good enough to not show notes anymore (the form disappears then by JavaScript magic), the form should be blanked respectively the server should accept the notes. (not sure on this)

This is just a consideration, discussible (if this configuration is an advantage or not is a matter of how the note box is used (how many notes, how many changes on notes on re-rating, if 'notes' shall be permanent etc.), but I think this way it should be most suitable, as articles get improved step by step).

Maybe just create a *config variable*, so every community could decide whether to use this preload function or not!

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:55 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz20722.

Wiki.Melancholie wrote:

the form should be blanked respectively the server
should accept the notes.

... is missing a "not":
... should _not_ accept the notes. ;-)

Wiki.Melancholie wrote:

P.s.: The config variable should be True by default.

The diff-to-stable form now prefills it (as the tags already are) in r56604

It will prefill in the cases that other review items prefill already.