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Transcode of a video gets turned upside down
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The original is right side up. This transcode from 2014 is also right side up. This one from 2017 isn't. The others from 2017 and 2018 are also transcoded in Australia.

T209560 is maybe related.

Event Timeline

The original is upside down, with a 180degree rotation file annotation. Apparently at some point the transcodes for that recognized this and fixed it.

It seems at a later point in time it stopped being able to handle this. Bit strange, as ffmpeg should be autocorrecting for this ever since 2015.. I wonder if perhaps we have a commandline option set that accidentally disables this autorotation...

This is slightly different than T209560: Mp4 video recorded in portrait (vertical) mode gets rotated and squeezed by mediawiki as a 180degree flip bug in TMH shouldn't affect the resulting transcode in any way.

For me, the original plays upside-down in Chrome, right-side-up in Firefox, VLC, and ogv.js. So this ain't handled quite universally I suppose. ;) I'll take a peek.

This may be a problem that's been since fixed in upstream ffmpeg...?

On ffmpeg on my stretch Linux VM:

ffmpeg version 3.2.14-1~deb9u1 Copyright (c) 2000-2019 the FFmpeg developers
$ ffmpeg -t 5 -i Tramvia_creuant_la_plaça.ogv -vf scale=320x180 barf2.mp4
-> upside-down

Same comment with newer ffmpeg on my Mac:
ffmpeg version 4.1.3 Copyright (c) 2000-2019 the FFmpeg developers
$ ffmpeg -t 5 -i Tramvia_creuant_la_plaça.ogv -vf scale=320x180 barf2-newer.mp4
-> right-side up

I suspect that the 'rotate' annotation in the comments is not actually handled by Firefox, VLC, or ogv.js -- certainly I never wrote code in ogv.js to handle it -- and may be a leftover from the MP4/3gpp original file the .ogv was sourced from.

Perhaps the ffmpeg 3.2.x was incorrectly mapping it when older and newer versions don't?

Fixing the .ogv file by setting the 'ROTATE=180' to 'ROTATE=0':

$ ffmpeg -i Tramvia_creuant_la_plaça.ogv -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 ROTATE=0 Tramvia_creuant_la_plaça_norotate.ogv

and about to reupload it in place and let it re-run to confirm...

Confirmed this fixes the transcodes; resolving.