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Test if Hue can run with Python3
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Test if Hue can run with Python3 and switch to Python3 in case.

We have version 3.9, and it seems that 4.6 is the target for shipping python 3.5+ compatibility.

Issues for 4.7.1:

Event Timeline

From it seems that the fix will not be in either CDH 5.x or 6.x, but in a new CDP platform (hortonworks + cloudera). This is interesting since we were planning to move to CDH6, but not sure for how long it will be supported then.

mforns subscribed.

So, it seems Hue doesn't run in python3.
What's the next step here?

Grosking: We can try to see if it works with CDH5,
or we could deprecate Hue, and use sth else?

mforns triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 5 2019, 6:19 PM
mforns raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.
mforns lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
mforns moved this task from Incoming to Operational Excellence on the Analytics board.

I'd be personally in favor of deprecating (in the long term) Hue, in theory we should be able to use notebooks for hive queries and the Airflow dashboard for the rest (speculations of course, we'll need to test).

I tested today building Hue 4.7.1 on a Buster VM, using python3.7 as target, and Hue seems to start fine (the development server at least). Given T258768 I'd be inclined to see if we can package Hue's builds into a Debian package, and test it on our environment. We'd still have the plan to get rid of Hue asap, but we'd be able to move to Buster and python3 in the meantime (deprecating Oozie is still a long road).

Change 618728 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/debs/hue@master] Add basic Debian packaging

After some battling with Debian packages, I created since it is not clear to me what is the best build procedure.

Change 618728 merged by Elukey:
[operations/debs/hue@master] Add basic Debian packaging

elukey updated the task description. (Show Details)
elukey updated the task description. (Show Details)
elukey added a project: Analytics-Kanban.
elukey moved this task from Next Up to In Progress on the Analytics-Kanban board.

Hue has been running on python3 (hue-next) for a while, I opened T264896 to fix the remaining bugs. Closing this for the moment.