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Can't seem to list multiple properties when using "Has display parameters".
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: dan.bolser

I tried passing various different values to the "Has display parameters" property here:

(see the page history (or below) for the specific details). However, none of the combinations that I tried resulted in output of more than one property here:

This is unexpected, because the examples I saw on the mailing list showed several properties listed with table format. (Actually, I'd like list format, but the issue is the same).

Whatever I do, I only see one property (the first) listed.

W'sup with that?

[[Has display parameters::?Has country=; ?Has city; format=table | ]]
[[Has display parameters::?Has city=; ?Has country | ]]
[[Has display parameters::?Has city; ?Has country | ]]
[[Has display parameters::?Has city; ?Has country; format=table | ]]
[[Has display parameters::? Has city=; ? Has country=; format=table | ]]
[[Has display parameters::? Has city; ? Has country= | ]]
[[Has display parameters::? Has city=; ? Has country= | ]]

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:56 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz21308.

This was a problem with the handling of whitespaces after the semicolons; it's been fixed now, in version 0.6.2.