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ATS lua script reload doesn't work as expected
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Our current puppetization touches remap.config and reloads the TS service to reload modified lua scripts, this wasn't enough to apply the changes introduced by making necessary a service restart to make the changes effective.

Event Timeline

Vgutierrez triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 19 2019, 5:34 AM
Vgutierrez moved this task from Backlog to Caching on the Traffic board.

The ability to reload global lua scripts has been added in 9.x:

This explains why reloading a global tls.lua script does not work. We might want to consider backporting that patch.

Reloading per-remap lua scripts works just fine on 8.x, provided that remap.config has changed (ie: touch remap.config ; traffic_ctl config reload). We need to update our puppetization accordingly.

nice catch, I have to backport the SSL EC cache PR... so I guess I'll include this one as well

Change 543022 had a related patch set uploaded (by Vgutierrez; owner: Vgutierrez):
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: Enable reloading global lua script

Change 543022 merged by Vgutierrez:
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: Enable reloading global lua script

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-10-22T06:32:00Z] <vgutierrez> rolling restart of ats-tls - T233274 T234803

Vgutierrez claimed this task.
Vgutierrez removed a project: Patch-For-Review.

Change 545522 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ema; owner: Ema):
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: do not pass enable-reload to tslua

The solution proposed in doesn't work as expected due to a bug on ATS. after a config reload the lua script loses the argtb

Change 545522 merged by Ema:
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: do not pass enable-reload to tslua

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-10-23T12:31:22Z] <vgutierrez> restarting ats-tls on cache text nodes - T233274

Change 552201 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ema; owner: Ema):
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: enable reload for global Lua script

Change 552201 merged by Ema:
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: enable reload for global Lua script

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-11-25T15:03:03Z] <ema> cp1075: ats-backend-restart to enable lua reload T233274

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-11-25T15:11:09Z] <ema> cp1075: ats-tls-restart to enable lua reload T233274

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-11-25T15:20:33Z] <ema> cp-ats: rolling ats-{tls,backend} restart to enable lua reload T233274

I've debugged locally what we seen yesterday on production with the following lua script:

function __init__(argtb)
    ts.debug("On init WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT = " .. tostring(WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT))
function __reload__()
    ts.debug("On reload WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT = " .. tostring(WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT))
function get_websocket_support()
function do_global_send_request()
    ts.debug("WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT = " .. tostring(WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT))

On ATS start we get the following debug log:

{0x2afa382f8080} DIAG: (ts_lua) On init WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT = true

On each request the following debug line gets logged:

{0x2afa44304700} DIAG: (ts_lua) WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT = true

The weird stuff starts after issuing traffic_ctl config reload:

{0x2afa46d90700} DIAG: (ts_lua) On reload WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT = true

So far so good, but now on each request the following debug line is logged:

{0x2afa44304700} DIAG: (ts_lua) WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT = nil

@Vgutierrez - I really think, reading the Lua plugin code, that __reload__ in 8.0.x might not do what you'd sanely expect (although it is undocumented). I think the __reload__ hook is actually more like a destructor hook for any custom destruct actions you want to happen before the reload into a fresh Lua context. And reload also definitely doesn't hit __init__ either, which leaves the whole model seeming a little broken if you've got a global initialized to nil in its declaration and then initialized to a real value in __init__. Clearly we're missing something here...

Change 552955 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ema; owner: Ema):
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: enable reload for global Lua script

I've debugged locally what we seen yesterday on production with the following lua script:


Try adding ts.debug("WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT is set to " .. WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT) after this line and you'll see that the variable is indeed set to nil after __reload__ is called.

ts.error("HOSTNAME set to nil")

function read_config()
        local confffile = ts.get_config_dir() .. "/default.lua.conf"
        ts.error("Loading HOSTNAME from " .. confffile)
        ts.error("HOSTNAME is " .. HOSTNAME)
        assert(HOSTNAME, "Cannot read " .. confffile)

function __init__(argtb)

function __reload__()

function do_global_send_response()
        ts.client_response.header['X-Cache-Int'] = 'gelato: '.. HOSTNAME

On startup I get:

[Nov 26 06:43:17.542] {0x2b47b449e180} ERROR: HOSTNAME set to nil
[Nov 26 06:43:17.542] {0x2b47b449e180} ERROR: Loading HOSTNAME from /etc/trafficserver/default.lua.conf
[Nov 26 06:43:17.542] {0x2b47b449e180} ERROR: HOSTNAME is banana

On reload:

[Nov 26 06:43:46.292] {0x2b47c2d68700} ERROR: Loading HOSTNAME from /etc/trafficserver/default.lua.conf
[Nov 26 06:43:46.292] {0x2b47c2d68700} ERROR: HOSTNAME is banana
[Nov 26 06:43:46.292] {0x2b47c2d68700} ERROR: HOSTNAME set to nil

Tried this on a test instance instead:

function read_config()
        local confffile = ts.get_config_dir() .. "/default.lua.conf"

        ts.error("Loading HOSTNAME from " .. confffile)

        assert(HOSTNAME, "Cannot read " .. confffile)
        ts.error("HOSTNAME is " .. HOSTNAME)

        return HOSTNAME

local HOSTNAME = read_config()
ts.error("HOSTNAME now set to " .. HOSTNAME)

function do_global_send_response()
        ts.client_response.header['X-Cache-Int'] = 'gelato: '.. HOSTNAME

On startup:

[Nov 26 06:58:19.807] {0x2b74fa91c180} ERROR: Loading HOSTNAME from /etc/trafficserver/default.lua.conf
[Nov 26 06:58:19.807] {0x2b74fa91c180} ERROR: HOSTNAME is banana potato
[Nov 26 06:58:19.807] {0x2b74fa91c180} ERROR: HOSTNAME now set to banana potato
$  curl -v http://localhost:8080 2>&1 | grep X-Cache-Int
< X-Cache-Int: gelato: banana potato

Changed default.lua.conf, issued a reload:

[Nov 26 07:00:34.184] {0x2b7525264700} ERROR: Loading HOSTNAME from /etc/trafficserver/default.lua.conf
[Nov 26 07:00:34.184] {0x2b7525264700} ERROR: HOSTNAME is banana hehe
[Nov 26 07:00:34.184] {0x2b7525264700} ERROR: HOSTNAME now set to banana hehe
$ curl -v http://localhost:8080 2>&1 | grep X-Cache-Int
< X-Cache-Int: gelato: banana hehe

Here's my proposed patch to add this behavior to production:

Change 552955 merged by Ema:
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: enable reload for global Lua script

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-11-27T13:28:16Z] <ema> cp1075: ats-{tls,backend} restarted to apply tslua reload changes T233274

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-11-27T13:42:25Z] <ema> cp1075: repool with tslua reloads enabled T233274

Change 553344 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ema; owner: Ema):
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: use ts.debug instead of error in global Lua scripts

Change 553344 merged by Ema:
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: use ts.debug instead of error in global Lua scripts

Change 553345 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ema; owner: Ema):
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: ensure Lua conf Icinga checks produce output

Change 553345 merged by Ema:
[operations/puppet@production] ATS: ensure Lua conf Icinga checks produce output

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-11-27T15:04:00Z] <ema> cp-ats: rolling ats-{tls,backend} restart to enable lua reload T233274

Reloading global Lua scripts now works. Closing.