To do
- Decide on a location for REST API docs on The REST API overview will be at API:REST; endpoint docs will be at API:REST/[Resource] API
- Draft an overview page for the REST API on
- Create a configuration setting page on for $wgEnableRestAPI
Overview page checklist
- URL structure
- Versioning policy
- Response codes (currently documented per endpoint)
- Errors (currently documented per endpoint)
- Access policy (depends on public launch)
- Rate limits (depends on public launch)
- Conditional requests (If-Modified-Since, etc.) (not implemented)
- The API namespace is currently reserved for Action API docs, so we should avoid adding REST API docs there unless we add a consistent prefix like API:REST/. Once the REST API is stable, we should consider updating the API main page to include the REST API as an option or creating a multi-API landing page.
- currently documents the RESTBase API as the "Wikimedia REST API". We should decide on terminology here to distinguish between the two REST APIs.