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Server side upload for Sporti
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please upload these file(s) to Wikimedia Commons:


Description files are available too: append .txt to the URLs.



Thank you!

Event Timeline

Ah, upload_by_url is not working because this domain is not whitelisted. @Sporti Have you tried to upload it using video2commons?

Ehm.... this is a req for server-side upload, and i guess this task was created through the video2commons tool, because it failed to upload it itself :).

Ehm.... this is a req for server-side upload, and i guess this task was created through the video2commons tool, because it failed to upload it itself :).

Well, I uploaded it using the video2commons itself.

Yeah, stashfailed is somewhat random. For big files (> around 2G), it sometimes works sometimes not. And the worst part is that immediately retrying after a failure almost always fails (due to things like lock issues). If a task was created through v2c than an upload was attempted and failed. Waiting a while a retry might work but not guaranteed.

We failed to nerd snipe Bryan to fix chunked uploads, arrrgggghhhhh. :) jk

@zhuyifei1999 Could you review it's license?

The LR script isn't working, I'll look into it.