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Put a loading indicator after clicking CONTINUE on PaymentsWiki
Closed, DeclinedPublic


After clicking CONTINUE on Payments Wiki, the credit card iframe sometimes takes over 5 seconds to load with no indicator of the page working or expecting something.

After clicking CONTINUE on Payments Wiki, a loading indicator (spinner) shows either in the CONTINUE button or in the area where the iframe will show, indicating the user that something is loading and that there is no error or the page crashed/hung.

To reproduce:
Going to Payments Wiki from a banner and clicking the CONTINUE button, and doing this flow multiple times—40%~50% of the time it will take close to or over 5 seconds. Speed throttling can be used too.

Showing example in the attached gif:

payments-wiki.gif (820×442 px, 2 MB)

Event Timeline

I feel like there was a previous task describing this and we declined it. We don't have a ton of control over this. The lag is highly dependent on the psp's performance at the time. It would take a bit of work for us to add our own loading indicator over the iframe and take it away when the iframe started loading. Also I think invisible elements could be loading in first. We'd end up taking off or never displaying our loading indicator and the iframe would still look empty or unresponsive. I'm pulling this back into triage to see of I can get more notes from fr-tech. I'm 99% sure we'll decline this again.

Thank you @DStrine .

Do you recommend another approach? I understand the technical implications you mention, however to the end user this still might look broken/lagged.

What would you recommend as a different approach?

In general the iframe needs to go away and we need to switch to another page where the hosted fields are displayed on their own. We have a ton of issue with ingenico. Adyen already has a second page in some instances. dlocal doesn't get a lot of complaints but these users may not have great internet service and would benefit form a second page as well. I'll make separate tasks for each processor.