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Document (and execute) the upgrade process for the new Toolforge K8s cluster
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I began this process at this comment T215531#5363490

That's a fine way to bury useful information, so this task is to produce and use a document from that experience and ensure that our clusters are off to a good start at 1.15.5 now that we have the packages for it thanks to T236824: Toolforge: new k8s: get new deb packages for 1.15.4 or 1.15.5.

Event Timeline

The upgrade cycle is meant to be done on a six month process to stay ahead of certificate refreshes. CVEs could easily have us doing it more often than that. We should expect to be upgrading fairly often.

Bstorm triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 9 2019, 12:40 AM
Bstorm moved this task from Inbox to Soon! on the cloud-services-team (Kanban) board.

@aborrero upgraded the clusters. I'm adding the doc here:

I added comments in the wikitext to drain the control plane nodes as you upgrade. This is recommended in the upgrade to 1.16, so we'll want to uncomment that when we do that.

Bstorm claimed this task.