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Wikisource List of index pages does not work
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to Reproduce:
Open the List of index pages at English Wikisource:
Then fill in some key word you want to search into the Search field.

Actual Results: You get a message "The search engine does not work. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Expected Results: Filtered list with pages containing the given key words

Event Timeline

Reedy subscribed.

Then fill in some key word you want to search into the Search field.

Such as? foo works fine for me

@Reedy Oh, that is really strange. It does not work for me, and other people at who I have discussed it with have the same experience. When I enter "foo" or whatever else, I get the message "The search engine does not work. Sorry for the inconvenience" and an unchanged list of indexes which does not correspond to what I am looking for.

@Reedy Is it possible that you have just not noticed the message? It is written in plain font and easy to be overlooked.

Looks like it. Why isn't that at least red or something... It's certainly not obvious it's an error

Did this work recently?

No, it did not. Meanwhile I have found out what I should have found out before creating this task: it was reported on 12 September ( ), i. e. already 2 months ago!