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Deletion request on en.wp mobile site cannot be read (due to XFDcloser script)
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to Reproduce:
File a deletion request
Visit deletion request page

Actual Results: (2×1 px, 275 KB)

Expected Results:
Page readable

Event Timeline

Masumrezarock100 subscribed.

@tyw7 It's not a software bug, it is happening because of some scripts you have installed. I am assuming it's XFDcloser based on the screenshot above. That script should be updated and rewritten with mobile compatible and responsive JS widgets. such as OOUI. And I see that you have more mobile incompatible scripts installed in your common.js. And codes in common.js load in all skins. Please move them to a separate personal skin JS file such as vector.js or timeless.js (it depends on which skin you use in desktop site). Thanks.

@Masumrezarock100 Disabling that script works. The page is now readable.

Which scripts are invalid?

Also, which is the default js for the mobile site?

Which scripts are invalid?

I never said that a script is invalid. They are just using deprecated methods and plain HTML, JS, and CSS to construct the interface. As such, they are not compatible with small screens (mobile). OOUI aka OOjs UI library provides faster and responsive methods to create widgets and those scripts should use it for better device compatibility.

Also, which is the default js for the mobile site?

The default mobile skin is MinervaNeue. So mobile scripts are stored in minerva.js. Though the code you add in minerva.js will also load on desktop version of Minerva.

Is there a way to check which widget may not work properly with mobile?

Is there a way to check which widget may not work properly with mobile?

I am not sure if we query such details without checking them individually.

Aklapper renamed this task from Deletion request on mobile site cannot be read to Deletion request on en.wp mobile site cannot be read (due to XFDcloser script).Nov 12 2019, 1:27 PM

Not really. This was not a JavaScript error but an UI problem.