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Curator reads revision slot source
Open, Needs TriagePublic


"As a Curator, I want to read the source for a slot for a previous revision, so I can understand how the page has developed over time."

GET /revision/{id}/slot/{role}

Get the source representation for the slot.

Request body: none

Notable request headers: none

Status codes:

  • 200: the response body is the slot
  • 401: reading this slot requires authentication and the user is not authenticated
  • 403: the authenticated user is forbidden from reading this slot
  • 404: no such revision or no such slot

Notable response headers: none

Response body: JSON, slot in this slot role

  • id: ID for the slot
  • content_model: content model of the slot
  • size: size of the slot content
  • source: content of the slot in source format