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Document QPoll messages
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There are several translatable strings in QPoll, which are hard to translate, because of unknown context, maybe questionable grammar, and/or ambiguous wording, such as
qp_error_too_many_spans, and qp_error_too_few_spans, e.g.
I also found (likely) divergent translations, which may indicate that the real sense of messages was not well enough understood.
Would it be possible to add descriptive comments to the qqq pseudo language code for the less obvious ones, so as to make life easier for translators?

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:55 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz21896.

cnit wrote:

(In reply to comment #0)

There are several translatable strings in QPoll, which are hard to translate,
because of unknown context, maybe questionable grammar, and/or ambiguous
wording, such as
qp_error_too_many_spans, and qp_error_too_few_spans, e.g.
I also found (likely) divergent translations, which may indicate that the real
sense of messages was not well enough understood.
Would it be possible to add descriptive comments to the qqq pseudo language
code for the less obvious ones, so as to make life easier for translators?

I have tried my best to clean up possible misconceptions and to translate correctly. In the reply to your request, some of 'qqq' messages are explained more throughly. Few 'en' messages also were improved. Also, please read the documentation carefully before the translating.