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Create "proofread-admin" user group in plwikisource
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Due to problems described in T241691, our community decided that we need to have a user group with the "pagequality-admin" right.
Without this right some deleted pages cannot be undeleted. And as discussed earlier in T167491 no user should be assingned to this group permanently.

A recent discussion:źródła:Skryptorium/Pulpit_techniczny#Nowa_grupa_uprawnień_do_celów_technicznych
shows that there is clear consensus that we need such a group and that admins should be able to grant this right to themselves.

The suggested Polish name for this group is "Administrator statusu korekty" (plural: "Administratorzy statusu korekty").

I suppose, that a similar user group may be requested by other Wikisource communities in future.

Event Timeline

Which user_right is required?


I talked about this with @Ankry, and they said it's fine with them to undelete the pages server-side, and discuss long-term solution in T241691.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-01-03T14:15:37Z] <Urbanecm> Run undelete.php on a couple of pages at plwikisource per T241824

Urbanecm claimed this task.