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epubcheck error: element "link" missing required attribute "itemprop"
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epubcheck is complaining about link elements such as the following within chapter body elements:

<link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r9031029"/>

ERROR(RSC-005): The_Nether_World.epub/OPS/c28_The_Nether_World_Volume_3_Chapter_1.xhtml(16,1402): Error while parsing file 'element "link" missing required attribute "itemprop"'.

The spec says:

If a link element has an itemprop attribute, or has a rel attribute that contains only keywords that are body-ok, then the element is said to be allowed in the body. This means that the element can be used where phrasing content is expected.

But given that the styles referenced by these elements area already present in the header (e.g. below), maybe we can just drop these link elements altogether?

<style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r9031029"><![CDATA[.mw-parser-output .nowrap,.mw-parser-output .nowrap a:before,.mw-parser-output .nowrap .selflink:before{white-space:nowrap}]]></style>