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Template not called by any page leads to infinite loading in Special:MultiPageEdit
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to Reproduce:

go to

Actual Results:
Infinite loading

Expected Results:
Table to edit pages using the template Continent see

Page forms Version 4.9.3 (june 15 2020) more info son

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I saw this issue when there are no values to display - and it does look like the category is empty. Is this the case here?

Yaron_Koren renamed this task from Infinite loading on Special to Template not called by any page leads to infinite loading in Special:MultiPageEdit.Jun 25 2020, 6:25 PM

I hope my rename of this bug report is accurate.

Hello Yaron, yes it is.
Expected Results:
Template not called by any page should display an empty table with the possibility to add a new page thanks to Special:MultiPageEdit

This bug still occurs with MW 1.35.0 and Page Forms 4.9.5 (70295d4)

Change 661261 had a related patch set uploaded (by Yaron Koren; owner: Yaron Koren):
[mediawiki/extensions/PageForms@master] Fix for templates not called in any pages in Special:MultiPageEdit

Change 661261 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/PageForms@master] Fix for templates not called in any pages in Special:MultiPageEdit

As noted here, this was a bug with both jsGrid and jExcel. However, it's fixed now! Sorry this took so long.