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Define WVUI browser support requirements aligned to MW core browser support matrix/Vector & Search Case Study support reqs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Coming from T257239#6321511, we've run into the current code output by Autoprefixer to only output styling alongside Grade A supported browsers, meaning that only latest two versions of Firefox/Chrome are getting prefixed CSS delivered.
As we're not relying on feature detection, we might end up in full feature supported browsers (specifically Grade X) with limited styling.

Acceptance criteria

  • Define browser support list
  • Ensure on technical level (linting, prefixing) to follow support list
    • .browserslistrc is revised. Ideally, if a change passes the browserslist inspection it should be considered compatible.

Dev notes

This is the current output of npx --no-install browserslist, following Grade A browser list:
android 81
android 4.4.3-4.4.4
android 4.4
android 4.2-4.3
android 4.1
chrome 83
chrome 81
edge 83
edge 81
firefox 78
firefox 77
ie 11
ios_saf 13.4-13.5
ios_saf 13.3
ios_saf 13.2
ios_saf 13.0-13.1
ios_saf 12.2-12.4
ios_saf 12.0-12.1
ios_saf 11.3-11.4
ios_saf 11.0-11.2
ios_saf 10.3
ios_saf 10.0-10.2
ios_saf 9.3
ios_saf 9.0-9.2
ios_saf 8.1-8.4
ios_saf 8
ios_saf 7.0-7.1
ios_saf 6.0-6.1
opera 69
opera 68
safari 13.1
safari 13
safari 12.1
safari 12
safari 11.1
safari 11
safari 10.1
safari 10
safari 9.1
safari 9
safari 8
safari 7.1
safari 7
safari 6.1
safari 6
safari 5.1

Event Timeline

Volker_E claimed this task.
Volker_E added a project: CSS.

With current inavailability of Vue.js server-side rendered components, we will stick to support browsers in our modern support matrix section. There might be small gaps, for example having Firefox/Chrome versions provide JS functionality several versions back and the CSS proprietary styles not being delivered. But it doesn't seem useful to spend too much time about these rare gaps.
We might revisit the list with server-side components on the horizon.