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Create Group Aliases for itservices@
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Since OIT has rebranded into ITS, we have shifted our group email to now reflect "itservices@". We would like the following aliases to be associated with "itservices@":


These changes have been made in G Suite, but we are receiving bouncebacks as there is no way for us (ITS) to associate an alias with a group (only a user). Please let me know if you need any other information.

Thank you,

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Create Group Aliases to Create Group Aliases for itservices@.Aug 5 2020, 8:08 PM
jijiki triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 25 2020, 12:29 PM
jijiki added a subscriber: herron.

@herron do you happen to have any insight here? I am not sure I know where to look. Thank you!

Hi @HMarcus

in the past several group aliases have moved from us over to your team.

For example fundraising group aliases in T128647 travel group aliases in T127549 and other subtasks of the epic T122144.

Can't these be done the same way?

We are also still interested in finishing T122144 which has been going on for quite some time, so we would prefer to move remaining alias over instead of going the other way around.



HMarcus claimed this task.

Hi @Dzahn ,

Thanks for your follow-up. This can actually be closed as we came across an internal solve, however I would like to point out those previous tickets do not quite match this request. The "aliases" in the referenced tickets were actually groups, that contained group members. "Aliases" in our (ITS's) case would just be an alternate way to get ahold of an existing person or group (emailing harry@ instead of hmarcus@, for instance), and there is a clear distinction between the two in both Google and our LDAP environment.

In this ticket, I was requesting for two aliases (its@, officeit@) to be associated with our group (itservices@). However, we've found that we can just create the same effect by just designating them as members of the new group (itservices@). Honestly it was a very simple solution that I feel pretty embarrassed to not only have initially overlooked, but to have also wasted yours and your team's time.

As you know, T122144 was put on-hold per Legal in consideration of the reduced workload that went into effect a few months back. I reached out to Legal this week about an update, as the reduced workload period will be extending through the rest of the year. I will update you with the status of that as soon as I have more information.

I will mark this as resolved, apologies again, and have a great weekend :)

@HMarcus Thank you very much for the detailed response. I understand the difference between those requests now. There was some misunderstanding because the term "alias" is used differently in different contexts. From our SRE point of view everything that is a "forward" of some kind "one address to one other OR to multiple others" that isn't a mailing list we call alias because that's the term used by exim, the mail transfer agent.

I am glad you found a solution and don't worry at all about wasting time. It was totally fine.

Also thank you for reaching out to legal. I either wasn't aware or had forgotten it was put on hold by legal due to the reduced workload. I had just remembered it was stalled on getting "mail-only" licenses.

Thank you and a have a great weekend as well!