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move fundraising group aliases to OIT
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Can we move the following mail aliases over to OIT?

# fundraising aliases - RT 3580, 5595, 6348, 7778
fr-development: cvirtue, jcuriel, lgruwell, rlewis, lgillis, hfell, lschreibstein, astillwell, jkim, jchojnacki, mbrent

fr-software-engineers: agreen, awight, eeggleston, khorn, dkozlowski, cdentinger
fr-tech: fr-tech-ops, fr-software-engineers, agomez, mhernandez, pcoombe, ppena, dstrine, emcnaughton
fr-online: fr-tech, agomez, ccogdill, jrobell, lgruwell, mhernandez, pcoombe, ppena, zexley, mbeattie, jkim, spatton, jseddon
fundraiser-2012: fr-online
fr-2012: fr-online
fr-all: fr-development, fr-online
strategicpartnerships: schang, dfoy, avrana, jvargas, sgupta, jrabah
advancement: fr-all, strategicpartnerships

# RT-6281
fundraising_vmail: donate

Event Timeline

edit: let me make one exception from that. let us keep the fr-tech-ops alias on our side, but all others can be moved. thank you

@atgo Do we need fundraiser-2012 or fr-2012?


@Dzahn Who was in fr-tech-ops? I can not nest/inherit other groups in Google Groups.


fr-tech-ops: cmjohnson, jgreen

it's back on our side

@Dzahn Thanks, I just need to make sure they were added to fr-tech

Hi Daniel,

I have created the Google Groups: fr-development, fr-software-engineers, fr-tech, fr-online, fr-all, strategicpartnerships, and advancement.

When you have time let's remove these one-by-one from mailman and test to make sure they each work alright.

I did not create fundraiser-2012, and fr-2012 per @atgo because these were no longer needed.

I have created fundraising_vmail but need to know who is in donate before it is completed.


Hi Byron,

i'm here. we are starting with fr-development .. Switching to IRC session..

doing these one by one.

btw, it's not mailman, it's just exim. mailman is and a different beast.

I have created fundraising_vmail but need to know who is in donate before it is completed.

so donate@ is just fundraising@ and then there are those variations of it and something about former OTRS queues but they are commented out.

 93 # Aliases for OTRS queues. Do NOT place OTRS queues here!
 94 wikimania:  wikimania-info
 95 # rerouting these for the fundraiser to not overload OTRS
 96 #donation:  info-en
 97 #donations: info-en
 98 #donate:    info-en
 99 donation:   fundraising
100 donate:     fundraising
101 donations:  fundraising
102 otrs: 

..and w e have more work that is fundraising related on T127488 and T127489. :/

permanently removed:

-fundraiser-2012: fr-online
-fr-2012: fr-online

deactivated after Byron added them:

-fr-software-engineers: agreen, awight, eeggleston, khorn, dkozlowski, cdentinger
-fr-tech: fr-tech-ops, fr-software-engineers, agomez, mhernandez, pcoombe, ppena, dstrine, emcnaught
-fr-online: fr-tech, agomez, ccogdill, jrobell, lgruwell, mhernandez, pcoombe, ppena, zexley, mbeatt
-fr-all: fr-development, fr-online
-strategicpartnerships: schang, dfoy, avrana, jvargas, sgupta, jrabah
-advancement: fr-all, strategicpartnerships

Ok, Byron confirmed it's working. I removed all of that, also "fundraising_vmail@" and the only one that remains from that block is fr-tech-ops@ because that just makes sense to stay in ops control.

Dzahn claimed this task.

There is more fundraising related stuff in other subtasks but the original block in this ticket is gone.

@Dzahn donate@ is an alias we use to send email. It's important not to mess
with that one. I believe those emails go to zendesk (our donor services
console). @MBeat33 @CCogdill_WMF please look at this task, too, and make
sure everything is OK

@atgo Thank you, ok! We haven't touched donate@ . Even though i mentioned that on T128647#2087232 only the things on T128647#2087247 have been touched (so far).

The following lines are definitely still here just like they always have been:

99 donation: fundraising
100 donate: fundraising
101 donations: fundraising

Seems like this this is fine by me as long as we're leaving donate@ untouched. If we revisit making changes to that alias, I just want a better sense of if/how this impacts our reply handling. I would guess this will not impact my ability to send email either way.

Thank you for confirming, yes. This change was just meant to be for our internal group aliases fr-tech, fr-online, fr-development etc. so that when people join and leave teams you don't have to go through operations anymore to get things changed by one of a few people with root accesss. Now it can be handled by the OIT team.

The donate@ alias would be treated all separate in a new ticket and we did not even plan to change that yet.

Sounds good, thanks for clarifying!

Hi Daniel,

Can you take a look at the fr-all? Fundraising is receiving failed delivery notices.


Hi All,

This is complete except for the fr-all address. Due to errors with delivery when the exim alias has been removed this will be tracked in T129168.



the part about fr-all@ is also fixed now.
