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Puppet Failures on deployment-cache-upload06
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This is a buster instance.

  title: retry-load-new-vcl-file-frontend
  file: "/etc/puppet/modules/varnish/manifests/instance.pp"
  line: 205
  resource: Exec[retry-load-new-vcl-file-frontend]


message: 'change from ''notrun'' to [''0''] failed: ''/usr/local/sbin/reload-vcl
  -n frontend -f /etc/varnish/wikimedia_upload-frontend.vcl -d 2 -a && (rm /var/tmp/reload-vcl-failed-frontend;
  true)'' returned 1 instead of one of [0]'

Event Timeline

hashar subscribed.

Most probably that was due to T267561, the instance were running Varnish 5 while Puppet deployed VCL files intended for Varnish 6. That probably has been broken for more than a few months and we were not receiving any notification on puppet failure due to another bug somewhere.

The service does work properly since last week and puppet does pass all fine.