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Usernames containing ampersands receive EZProxy login error message despite active bundle authorization
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User:Arms & Hearts reports that they're getting a username/password error message when attempting to access content they're authorized for:

When I click on "access collection" for any collection that I have access to (or should have access to—I'm not sure if there's a difference) I'm taken to a page on that tells me I've entered an incorrect username or password, and prompts me to try again to login.

They've attempted logging out and back in both in the Library Card platform and in EZProxy to no avail. They have an active Library Bundle authorization and therefore should be authorized to access the content they're attempting.

This appears to be a result of their username containing an ampersand. The account SamWaltonTest& reproduced this error.

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I wonder if this has something to do with their username containing an ampersand.

Samwalton9-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.EditedNov 27 2020, 5:13 PM

Checked my account and I can use Bundle access as expected, so this isn't affecting all users.

Samwalton9-WMF renamed this task from User receiving EZProxy login error message despite authorization to Usernames containing ampersands receive EZProxy login error message despite active authorization.Nov 28 2020, 12:32 PM
Samwalton9-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

Not reproducible with the account Jason.&.Test (Ă) or J.s.n.S.a.n&. Tested with american psychological association.

I was able to reproduce with J.s.n.S.a.n& on bundle.

jsn.sherman renamed this task from Usernames containing ampersands receive EZProxy login error message despite active authorization to Usernames containing ampersands receive EZProxy login error message despite active bundle authorization.Dec 2 2020, 4:00 PM

Hotfix in place:
I can now login with J.s.n.S.a.n&. Please verify that the fix works for impacted users.

Okay, looks like we got a positive response!