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Port elasticsearch support scripts to cookbooks
Closed, DeclinedPublic


As an operator of Elasticsearch, I want to have a unified experience on how I interact with Elasticsearch.

We have some left over scripts in our puppet repository (see this patch) that can be used to perform some standard operations on elasticsearch. Those scripts have not been updated lately, need to be ported to Python 3, and are probably broken since we have not touched them since we split the clusters.


  • current is removed from the puppet repo
  • similar cookbooks are available for the operations that are still required

Event Timeline

CBogen triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 7 2020, 4:20 PM
CBogen moved this task from needs triage to Ops / SRE on the Discovery-Search board.

Note that cookbooks can only be run by SREs, while es-tool can be run by anyone with access to the elastisearch servers. At least functionalities that might be used by all elasticsearch operators should be kept as local scripts.

Those scripts have not been used in forever, porting them makes little sense if they are not useful.