Very recently a new Class API was added to Spicerack:
This means that all our cookbook would need to be updated to follow the new style, and I think this could be a good occasion to code and get familiar with spicerack/cookbooks for @razzi!
Cookbooks to update:
- sre.aqs.roll-restart
- sre.cassandra.roll-restart
- sre.druid.roll-restart-workers
- sre.hadoop.change-distro-from-cdh
- sre.hadoop.init-hadoop-workers
- sre.hadoop.reboot-workers
- sre.hadoop.roll-restart-masters
- sre.hadoop.roll-restart-workers
- sre.hadoop.stop-cluster
- sre.kafka.roll-restart-brokers
- sre.kafka.roll-restart-mirror-maker
- sre.presto.roll-restart-workers
- sre.zookeeper.roll-restart-zookeeper
This work is not urgent but it could be a good alternative activity in between more ops-focused tasks.
Some examples: