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Implement Popconfirm while logging out from the tool
Closed, ResolvedPublic


VideoCutTool is a tool to trim, crop, rotate on-the-fly videos in Wikimedia Commons and can be found at


  • Learn about VideoCutTool from Commons: VideoCutTool
  • Currently on clicking the logout button users can get logged out without asking for popup confirmation, It's always good to use confirm pop-up and logout, So the main task is to use react antd's Popconfirm module and implement the confirm logout option in the tool.

Code repos:

If you need any help, please feel free to comment here, happy to help you!

Event Timeline

Change 650525 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tobi 406; owner: Tobi 406):
[labs/tools/VideoCutTool@master] Implement logout confirm popup

Tobi_406 subscribed.

Just thought I'll take this up, hope that's ok

Had some problems logging in (I think I set up OAuth wrong), but I just added a user cookie with an object ({"username": "test"}) and that seemed to work.

Change 650525 merged by jenkins-bot:
[labs/tools/VideoCutTool@master] Implement logout confirm popup

Hey @Tobi_406, Thanks for your patch!

Had some problems logging in (I think I set up OAuth wrong), but I just added a user cookie with an object ({"username": "test"}) and that seemed to work.

Oh yeah, You can solve this by changing the env variable backend_url: "" from localhost as you don't have OAuth tokens :)

Gopavasanth moved this task from Incoming to Done on the VideoCutTool board.