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Wikilink graph dates are partly out of order
Closed, ResolvedPublic


On the Wikipedia Library program page one of the months is out of order:

Screenshot 2021-01-07 at 11.07.20.png (72×724 px, 17 KB)

The graph goes 2020-9, 2020-11, 2020-12, 2020-10, 2020-1. I haven't seen this reproduced on any of the organisation pages so far.

Event Timeline

Scardenasmolinar subscribed.

That's odd. I don't see this behavior in either Chrome, Safari, or Firefox (I am using a Mac). Can you tell me in which browser and what OS you are using?

How strange - it also looks fine to me now too. I think, but can't guarantee, that I was using Chrome on my Mac.

It's all in order for me now. I'm going to close this task until we see it again.

It did it again!

image.png (815×1 px, 84 KB)

Windows 10, Chrome version 87.0.4280.141.

Looking at the page source, the javascript itself is out of order:

labels: ['2019-7', '2019-8', '2019-9', '2019-10', '2019-11', '2019-12', '2020-1', '2020-2', '2020-3', '2020-4', '2020-5', '2020-6', '2020-7', '2020-8', '2020-9', '2020-11', '2020-12', '2020-10', '2021-1'],

This was a transient issue but I'm not seeing it today so I'm going to cross my fingers and mark this as resolved :)