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Add a citation only does "cite web"
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I have focal dystonia in my dominant hand so, without a visual-editor, I would be in a lot of pain if I had to dwell on every line and digit of code. Painstaking has a different meaning for me when I have to do fine detailed work. I am also partially blind in one eye due to a genetic condition, so staring at a screen for too long causes my head to spin and eventually shoot stars and other problems as well.

So anyway, about a week ago, I got a post on my talk page accusing me of intentionally "changing the ref name to a single number" whatever that means and that I should use "cite news" instead of "cite web". I was then personally attacked because I rely too much on visual-editor.

So my feedback for this group is can somebody update visual-editor to give us the choice to "cite web" or "cite news" or whatever other choices are supposed to be available to people who want to create references in the "add a citation" tool. i would love to participate and help as much as I can but due to my limitations, this is not something I think I can reasonably achieve without asking for a lot of help.

Thank you for your time.

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There is no reason to use "cite news" in favor of "cite web", except for very specific circumstances described here:{{Cite_web}}_and_{{Cite_news}}

I suggest directing the person who left that comment to that documentation.

Kire1975 claimed this task.

Thanks matmarex. That sounds a whole lot easier than redeveloping the entire Add a citation tool.