Author: cemalsureya
The parsed code with the splitted layout.
Previously, I was using GeshiCodeTag.php and decided to switch to SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi due to the fact that it was supported widely.
I heavily use listed descriptions in my wiki such as:
We'll assume we're continuing from [[Installing mediawiki]].
#Create the directory for the new wikis
#:<code>cd /wikifarm/
sudo mkdir wiki1
#Create the specific directories
#:<code>cd wiki1
sudo mkdir images config
sudo chmod a+w config
#Link the source files from the main wiki
#:<code>sudo ln -s /wikifarm/wikimain/* .
sudo ln -s /wikifarm/wikimain/config/index.php config/
but when I tried to adopt it by replacing the "<code>","</code>" tags with "<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">,</syntaxhighlight> it produced erratic results as captured in the attached file. If the block is a one-liner, the fontsize of the option links (i.e., page/discussion/edit/...) gets smaller and disoriented -- it the block is multi-lined it gets worse, with the layout becoming splitted.
I repeated this error on the wikipedia (in the Sandbox page) to make sure that it wasn't my system configuration related.
With my best regards,
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement