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Create a landing page for Wikipedia Preview
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Create a mediawiki landing page for Wikipedia Preview (WP) that would help website owners/content creators:

  • Understand the value Wikipedia Preview provides to them and their readers
  • Allows them to see a demo of WP in action
  • Directs them to integration instructions

The page should help both website owners and tech teams understand how it is both simple and easy to integrate WP.

Event Timeline

AMuigai triaged this task as Medium priority.
AMuigai moved this task from Backlog to Definition on the Inuka-Team (Kanban) board.

Now that this is published, any more work to do here?

AMuigai moved this task from Definition to Product sign off on the Inuka-Team (Kanban) board.

The page is here:

Micro updates will be done on the page over time.