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Upload: Automatically retry uploading a recording that has failed due to "badtoken"
Open, MediumPublicFeature


I don't know why this "error" happens, but it does.

When you record words and start uploading them, you often have two or three recordings that fail due to the "badtoken" error. Since this error does not happen again when you click on the "upload failed recordings" button, we could easily avoid annoying the user.

What we should do is to automatically try re-uploading (once or maybe twice - to prevent infinite loops) a recording if, at the upload, the error was "badtoken".

Event Timeline

Poslovitch renamed this task from Retry uploading a recording that has failed due to "badtoken" to Automatically retry uploading a recording that has failed due to "badtoken".Feb 27 2021, 10:50 AM
Poslovitch created this task.
Poslovitch changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".

The task T281636 is different because the issue was in the OAuth token (obtained during the first OAuth connection and is managed by the extension OAuthAuthentication).

If I understand correctly, this issue is about the CSRF token requested to Commons obtained before each upload. This CSRF token is requested by the extension Upload2Commons, file includes/OAuthRequest.php, method postWithToken.

Yug renamed this task from Automatically retry uploading a recording that has failed due to "badtoken" to Uploading: Automatically retry uploading a recording that has failed due to "badtoken".Jul 7 2022, 11:09 AM
Yug renamed this task from Uploading: Automatically retry uploading a recording that has failed due to "badtoken" to Upload: Automatically retry uploading a recording that has failed due to "badtoken".
Yug triaged this task as Medium priority.