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Modifying a global block with option "Also block this IP address locally" should overwrite existing local block with the newly-set conditions
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When trying to modify an existing global block with the option "Also block this IP address locally" selected, a failure message is received "Blocking the IP address locally failed as the given IP address already is blocked on this wiki.". Sometimes you want to modify the block conditions (anon-only, length etc.) and you can really only modify blocks if you've already seen the existing conditions.

Event Timeline

kolbert renamed this task from Modifying a global block with option "Also block this IP address locally" should overwrite existing block. to Modifying a global block with option "Also block this IP address locally" should overwrite existing local block with the newly-set conditions.Mar 10 2021, 5:37 PM

This will be fixed with the patch for T296780, as that was already the default option for the API, and I added it to Special:GlobalBlock too, to keep things consistent and in accordance to what is actually wanted.