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Herald rule to suppress Task activity? (and just receive Task creation)
Closed, DeclinedPublicFeature


Hi :)

In Wikimedia Phabricator I like to Watch Projects to express my interest and to then being informed about new Tasks. The issue is that I'm in Europe and each night I receive too much e-mails about the activity of Tasks I'm not subscribed to. Then, in the morning, the Mute feature is not useful for my case, because when I mute a non-interesting Task is too late: maybe the task has already been solved or I've already received xx emails about yy Task I was not subscribed to, while I just wanted to know about their existence or find out if I could be useful ecc.

I would like to:

  • still being able to still express my interest Watching a Project
  • still being notified about Task creation
  • but suppress Task activity if I'm not Subscribed to that Task

At the end I've finalized I was dreaming an Herald rule like this:

  • if I'm not subscribed to a Task
  • if it's not a freshly-created Task
  • suppress email notifification

Or even:

  • if the moon is full
  • if it's not a freshly-created Task
  • suppress email notification

I think that currently Phabricator does not provide the possibility to suppress emails in this way. What do you think about? Thank you so much!

Event Timeline

Aklapper triaged this task as Lowest priority.Mar 11 2021, 7:57 AM
Aklapper edited projects, added Phabricator (Upstream), Upstream; removed Phabricator.
Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".

This is basically and maybe .
The available options are documented at
For the records, Herald allows the boolean condition "Is newly created".
Wikimedia doesn't plan custom changes for this usecase; you may want to discuss the underlying problem at

[ Projects ][ include any of ][ X, Y, Z, ... ]
Take these actions [ only the first time this rule matches ]:
[ Send me an email ]

Note use of [ only the first time this rule matches ].

[ Projects ][ include any of ][ X, Y, Z, ... ]
Take these actions [ only the first time this rule matches ]:
[ Send me an email ]

Note use of [ only the first time this rule matches ].

Having said I should de-watch these Projects. Isn't it?

That would be an option. :)

Indeed. I've unwatched some projects migrating them to my Herald rule.

Wikimedia doesn't plan custom changes for this usecase; you may want to discuss the underlying problem at

Well, let's close. Marking as declined but I'm happy with the alternative solution. Thank you again to both of you!