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Old title as default for new title when moving pages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: guanaco

It would be useful for the old title of a page to appear in the "To new title:"
box by default. This would save time when moving multiple pages across
namespaces or when moving a page to a similar title.

I've made and tested a patch, and it appears to work as intended.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement


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fab: build images with user dockerpkg-builderrepos/releng/dev-images!39hasharfab-shared-usermain
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 7:00 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz776.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

guanaco wrote:

Patch for SpecialMovepage.php to make the new title default to the old title

attachment SpecialMovepage.patch ignored as obsolete

Slight problem with the patch: normally if you put in a title that is rejected (because it is invalid, or
the page exists, or whathaveyou), the form comes back with an error message and the box is still
filled with the text you gave. Thus, if you mistyped you can fix it; or you can go remove the target
and then come back and hit submit. This patch overwrites that with the source title every time, so
you should probably check that it's not actually set first.

guanaco wrote:

Fixed patch


I've applied this to 1.4 CVS with a slight modification: empty() will return true for the string "0" so I changed
it to == "" instead, so folks can rename pages to [[0]].