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Remove margin from bottom of tabPanelLayout without JavaScript
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When Special:Preferences is on a page and JavaScript is disabled, a margin of 1em is present at the bottom of the tabPanelLayout element, which is unexpected since there's no margin at the bottom when JavaScript is enabled.

With JavaScript disabled the bottom of the last section of Special:Preferences looks like:

image.png (202×1 px, 9 KB)

But with JavaScript enabled it looks like:

image.png (182×1 px, 8 KB)

Event Timeline

Change 673830 had a related patch set uploaded (by BrandonXLF; owner: BrandonXLF):
[mediawiki/core@master] Don't add margin to last tabPanelLayout

Change 673830 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] Don't add margin to last tabPanelLayout of Special:Preferences

matmarex assigned this task to BrandonXLF.
matmarex subscribed.

Thanks for the patch!