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AbuseLog drop-down settings does not open
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


On, when in the abusefilter log ( ), when clicking on the drop-down settings menu, named (in French) "Rechercher dans le journal des filtrages", this drop-down menu doesn't open on the first try. When the bugs occurs, a reload/F5 often (but not always) solve the problem.

Bug encountered several times, on Firefox 86.0.1. No ad blocker enabled.

Event Timeline

Sometimes the menu does open, but can't be closed.

Screenshot_2021-03-23 Journal des filtrages — Wikipédia.png (1×1 px, 38 KB)

Daimona renamed this task from Abusefilter journal drop-down settings does not open to AbuseLog drop-down settings does not open.Mar 23 2021, 7:28 PM

When the menu does open, the parameters drop-down ("Toutes les actions", "Tous", etc.) don't open; they seem to be affected by the same bug.

Screenshot_2021-03-23 Journal des filtrages — Wikipédia(1).png (1×1 px, 34 KB)

This very much feels like a userland problem. One option might be a conflict with a user script or personal CSS. @Jules78120 Could you please check whether the problem still appears when using safemode?

@Daimona Thanks for the reply. I tried with &safemode=1: indeed, the bug does not appear anymore. I will try to find what .js or .css can cause that.

When visiting the AbuseLog on frwiki I randomly get the following error in the console

 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ownerDocument' of undefined
at Object.OO.ui.Element.static.getDocument
at Object.OO.ui.Element.static.getClosestScrollableContainer
at OoUiPopupWidget.OO.ui.mixin.FloatableElement.togglePositioning
at OoUiPopupWidget.OO.ui.PopupWidget.toggle
at showTipsy

This might indicate an issue in ULS, or maybe in OOUI itself, or in the site JS if it really stops happening with safemode. It's almost certainly not caused by AbuseFilter though.

Hmmm however, even when the error appears, the dropdown still works, so it might be an unrelated error. If safemode fixes it, I'd suggest locating what script is breaking it as per

@Daimona Thank you very much for you help. I found the script causing the bug: [[Utilisateur:0x010C/script/EnhancedContribToolList.js ]]. It's an Uncaught TypeError: mw.Api is not a constructor. I removed this script from my .js. Only one other user has this script enabled, I will warn him.

Okay, I take it back: it was not the source of the bug. After removing the script, the bug is still there.

But I got no other error in my console. Just 2 warnings (see screenshot).

Screen Shot 03-23-21 at 08.57 PM.PNG (219×1 px, 35 KB)

I will try to solve this by removing one by one my scripts.

Glad you found the reason. I'm closing this task per last comment, as this is about fixing on-wiki content (which isn't tracked in Phabricator).