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Yak: Gerrit user page graph
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Would be a simple one afternoon project to make a tool in wikitech that gives you a user-page (like: ) that shows a user's contributions on a graph. Might be helpful in finding reviewers. Might be a good dopamine hit some days.

Event Timeline

Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Oct 24 2023, 11:27 AM

There were tools like created in T244815 but I guess that doesn't allow passing a username as a URL parameter to construct a URI, plus it's broken for me and loads forever when trying to search.

If this was about a link to Bitergia's service, a URI like!((query:(query_string:(query:'author_name:"Andre Klapper"')))))&_a=(query:(language:kuery,query:'author_name:"Andre Klapper"')) would work (though cannot easily set the Time Range parameter higher than 90d as it's RISON-encoded in the g URL parameter), however

  • the name of the person in the Bitergia DB could be set to anything and cannot be determined easily,
  • Gerrit username might mismatch a username anyway?

Maybe decline this task and fix existing tools instead? :P