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API iwlinks does not pick up a correction that changes only letter case
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Find pages that have an interwiki link to a nonexistent page. Correct the error. If the change is more than just capitalization, an iwlinks query picks up the change immediately. If the change is only to the capitalization, it isn't picked up. Based on a sample of 4 links from en wikipedia to en wikisource.

Should list prefix: "s", *: "1911_Encyclop\u00e6dia_Britannica/Caraway" but doesn't.
This iwlink was corrected from the nonexistent "caraway" on 28 April (the page has been edited once since).

Other similar enwiki pages: "1517 in art" (fixed a fully-capitalized word to the correct initial-cap on 8 April), "Archosargus probatocephalus", "Pediment". Each of these is the current version.

I've found other inconsistencies around whether the query actually lists a nonexistent page in the "other" wiki, but need to do some more to figure out an accurate repro (will try to find out connections between does or doesn't). If I find that I'll report and link this report (unless I've waded into a known bug).

Event Timeline

I need to generalize this bug report: when correcting an interwiki link to a nonexistent page, an iwlinks query does not pick up the correction if the changed text HAS THE SAME LENGTH. I first noticed this in a few cases where only capitalization was changed, but obviously that's a subset of the "same-length" bug.
Should list prefix: "s", *: "1911_Encyclop\u00e6dia_Britannica/Eildon_Hills, but doesn't.
The "recent change" in question was to correct the EB1911 link from "Hill, Eildon", which is the same length as the correct "Eildon Hills".

Other similar recent fixes to same-length link: "Bushahr" (one letter changed in the iw reference) and "Cassius Dio" (words reversed).

I'd change the bug title but don't know how. LMK if you think I should cancel and file a new bug.