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Get recording of Toolhub talk from wmhack 2021 on commons
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Follow up to T282039: [Session] Intro to Toolhub for tool maintainers. Track down the sub-stream of that talk from the combined stream at and get it on commons so we can link it into the Toolhub pages on meta.

Event Timeline

Quick and dirty: ffmpeg -ss 04:52:14 -to 05:12:45 -i source.mkv -c copy tmp.mkv; ffmpeg -i tmp.mkv -filter:v "crop=1235:694:343:309" output.mkv; rm tmp.mkv

I didn't see this before! Almost all the main talks are on commons, and it is documented here:

We are working on documentation for the hackathon and will publish and announce the info soon 👍