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http (not https) image URLs in zoomviewer manifest files
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


The zoomviewer tool creates IIIF manifests with http (not https) image URLs.

For example:

  "@context" : "",
  "@id" : "",
  "protocol" : "",
  "width" : 1492,
  "height" : 1248,
  "sizes" : [
     { "width" : 186, "height" : 156 },
     { "width" : 373, "height" : 312 },
     { "width" : 746, "height" : 624 }
  "tiles" : [
     { "width" : 256, "height" : 256, "scaleFactors" : [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ] }
  "profile" : [
     { "formats" : [ "jpg" ],
       "qualities" : [ "native","color","gray" ],
       "supports" : ["regionByPct","sizeByForcedWh","sizeByWh","sizeAboveFull","rotationBy90s","mirroring","gray"] }

The image URL here is

Because the image URL is http, not https, it cannot be loaded from a secure context (e.g. an IIIF viewer served over https).

Event Timeline

To provide some context for this bug report, what I'm trying to do is to get Allmaps working with Wikimedia Commons images served through the zoomviewer IIF proxy:

tstarling claimed this task.
tstarling subscribed.

I fixed it.