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Discuss documentation metadata
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Metadata helps build context around documentation and makes docs easier to read and maintain. As part of defining accuracy criteria for key docs, we want to apply a set of consistent metadata. The purpose of this task is to discuss which fields to include.

Some ideas:

  • Last updated: Provides a quick way to see when the last edit was made to the page and by whom. Can be automatically populated by MediaWiki. (See Template:Last updated) Acts like a quick preview of the full history page.
  • Status: Free-form field to indicate the status of the page (WIP, draft, versioned, collecting feedback, etc.) This is something I rely on a lot with temporary docs, such as Google Docs. I've experimented with using a page status field on wiki in the Architecture Repository, but haven't ended up using it very much. Traditionally, page status is indicated by a series of banners (draft, outdated, etc.) or inferred from the page history. This would be more explicit and consistent, but still subject to falling out of date.
  • Steward: Although it might not be possible to find a team or individual to list as a maintainer for every key doc, I think an "Adopt this page" or similar link would be just as valuable to our overall docs goals. Andre and I discussed that "steward" was less strong than "maintainer", which might discourage people from contributing.
  • Type: The page's content type (overview, tutorial, etc.), linked to information about and criteria for that content type
  • Tags: I'm conflicted about this one. I think we need to think through specific examples of what would be included here and how it would differ from the existing category system
  • [Add ideas here!]

Event Timeline

Random opinions and thoughts:

  • Last updated might make some people think "Last reviewed" which it is not?
  • Status: I'd assume by default that the status is fine unless otherwise being told (templates obsolete, deprecated, outdated, draft, etc)
  • Tags: IMHO this partially duplicates categories (which I personally consider a mess and would not recommend to anyone as a way to find content)

Last updated might make some people think "Last reviewed" which it is not?

@Aklapper that's a good point. Is the actual date that the page was last reviewed more meaningful? Do you think there's a value in the autogenerated "Last updated" date?

As a result of our discussion, we determined that "last edited" and "maintainer" make the most sense here. However, I'd like to consider how we can incorporate this information in a way that doesn't duplicate the history view going forward.