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Help Inuka document a clear theory of change for Wikistories
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Inuka team is initial explorations of a Wikistories feature. Their theory of change is still not completely clear.

I'm helping the team get their theory of change documented in a comprehensive, editable form, so it can guide further discussions and be updated as their plans shift.

Event Timeline

nshahquinn-wmf moved this task from Next 2 weeks to Doing on the Product-Analytics (Kanban) board.
nshahquinn-wmf moved this task from Backlog to Analyst on the Inuka-Team board.

I spent a significant amount of time developing a theory of change diagram for Wikistories. I got quite a lot of positive feedback, but in the end it didn't seem to be useful for actually making decisions, especially considering the amount of effort it required. We are not planning to pursue it any further.