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adminstats tool's code has no license specified
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The "adminstats" tool ( has the code for however the source code files do not have a license specified nor is it in the tool's toolinfo.

Per Toolforge rules, all code must be available under an OSI license:

@JamesR, can you specify a license that you'd like to have the code be available under?

This came to my attention because of where the bot has broken because of recent API changes, but because the bot's code has no license specified, it's not really feasible for anyone else to help fix it.

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Hi there,

I've updated the source code and added a LICENSE file to the directory. ToolsAdmin has had AdminStatsBot listed as GPL-3.0 for some time, however for some reason it is not displaying on the tool information page.

I've updated the wikitools package and resolved the issue with the bot.


Thanks for replying and taking care of this so promptly!