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Review offline projects landing page
Open, MediumPublic


This task is part of a project to establish a formal review process and set of standards for Wikimedia technical documentation. For more information, visit the project page on

Page to review

What to do

Follow the review process Option B since this page is not owned by Developer Advocacy, and may require collaboration with maintainers to finalize content changes. Use the checklists below to complete steps 2-4 of the review process, so the proposed changes are all documented in this task and can be discussed with maintainers.

Content review checklist

The following checklist covers both general and landing page-specific content review.

  • Audience: Who is the audience (or audiences) of the page? Is the content of the page suitable for that audience?
  • Content: Are there any duplicate pages or overlapping content that needs to be merged or marked as obsolete?
  • Title: The title should be descriptive and specific. This helps visitors decide whether they would want to use the page. For example: "Accessing Instances on Cloud VPS" is much better than "Instances".
  • Image: If possible, include an image relevant to the topic, such as a project logo. The image can be centered or aligned opposite the title (right-aligned in LTR languages) using [[File:Example|{{dir|{{pagelang}}|left|right}}|30x30px]][2].
  • Topic overview: To provide context, a landing page should include a section that introduces the topic or theme of the page. For example, a landing page for Toolforge should include a section that describes what Toolforge is, what is does, and who uses it. This can be under an "About Toolforge" section or, if it makes sense with the layout of the page, in the first section under the title.
  • Table of contents: MediaWiki automatically creates a table of contents when a page has more than three headings.[1] Use template:TOC to limit the heading levels displayed in the table of contents so that it is meaningful and concise. To save space, a table of contents can be opposite the title (right-aligned in LTR languages).
  • Links: Links on the page go to existing, non-obsolete pages (unless for historical reasons). Link text is descriptive and does not include any wiki prefixes. Special:MyLanguage links are used whenever possible.
  • Small groups: When linking to other documentation pages, a landing page should organize links into groups of no more than six.[3]
  • Link hub layout: When linking to other documentation pages, present groups of links in a way that is easy to navigate, such as Template:ContentGrid, Template:Colored box, Template:Contribution, Template:Portal list item on Wikitech, or a sidebar. Avoid organizing links with tables or headings.
  • Navigation between subpages: A landing page should include a navigation element that allows readers to move between pages within the collection, such as a sidebar, navigation box, or set of tabs. If the collection is organized using subpages, include a prefix search box.
  • Status: No draft or outdated banners are present.
  • Feedback and communication: The page prompts readers to share feedback or ask a question. It indicates where readers can go to get updates or connect with others, if appropriate. A talk page exists (or redirects to a central talk page) with at least a welcome post.
  • Maintainer resources: Landing pages help facilitate the maintenance of a set of documentation. If possible, include ways for people to participate by subscribing to updates, watching pages, joining editathons, etc. Be explicit about which pages to watch to help answer questions and monitor edits.
  • Translation: If translation is available and the content of the page is stable, the page is marked for translation.
  • Mobile: The page is readable on mobile, with all important information visible.
  • Accessibility: The page complies with the accessibility guide for developers. (You can use the WAVE tool to check for critical issues.)

Style review checklist

  • Plain language: The language used on the page is clear and concise. It is free of jargon, idioms, and other ambiguous or confusing elements. Sentences are not more than 30 words in length.
  • Positive language: Avoid using negative sentence constructions.
  • Inclusive language: Use non-gendered language, and avoid the terms listed in the inclusive language guide.
  • Active voice: Use active voice, except when diplomacy calls for passive voice.
  • Second person point of view: Uses second person ("You" or assumed "You") when addressing your audience. Avoid first person ("I", "we", "our"), unless the page is an FAQ with questions asked from the first person perspective.
  • Imperative mood: Uses an imperative mood for most documentation focused on goals or process. Avoid future tense ("will").
  • Title and heading style: Use sentence case for titles and section headings. (This means only capitalize the first word, like you would in a sentence). Headings should use h2, h3, and h4 styles.
  • Lists: Do not use bulleted list items to complete an introductory sentence fragment.
  • Date format: Either write out the complete date (September 1, 2021) or use YYYY-MM-DD format (2021-09-01).
  • Typos: The page has been reviewed for typos.
  • (Optional) Grade level check: Use a writing analysis tool (like Expresso) to check the grade level of the page (sometimes called a readability score). Strive to keep documentation under an eighth grade reading level.

Event Timeline

TBurmeister triaged this task as Medium priority.
TBurmeister updated the task description. (Show Details)

@apaskulin @TBurmeister I am visiting this page after ages. I would like to know if this task is about providing just a review of how this page can be improved or making improvements as well?

The process we recommend for docs that aren't owned by Developer Advocacy is:

  1. Complete the Content review and Style review checklists in this task, noting the areas that need to be changed but not actually changing the page (yet).
  2. Do Maintainer outreach. Discuss your recommendations for improving the page, and agree on which content you'll change (and how). Maybe the maintainer would like to complete the rest of the process / make the actual updates?
  3. Before you start making changes based on your review: add {{DoNotTranslate}}, {{Draft}} or {{Work in progress]} to discourage translation or other major edits while you're changing the doc.
  4. Make content and style changes. Update the corresponding checklist in the Phabricator task as you complete items.

(optional) If the page was previously marked for translation, mark your revised version for translation.

Basic review checklist (reduced and streamlined version of the above checklist for MVP improvements):

  • Typos: The page has been reviewed for typos.
  • Inclusive language: The page uses non-gendered language and avoids the terms listed in the [[inclusive language]] guide.
  • Working examples: Commands and examples have been tested or reviewed for accuracy.
  • Links: Links on the page work.

Findings for each of the items in the content review checklist:

  • Audience: Who is the audience (or audiences) of the page? Is the content of the page suitable for that audience?

The content is suitable and relevant for the intended audience, containing information about the existing offline wiki projects. But the page needs an overhaul; its information needs organizing and content modified to explain the purpose of offline projects, highlight the active projects, separate the inactive ones, explain more about what each project does, etc. There could be a table with all the columns as project name, description, their status (active, inactive), first launched, etc.

  • Content: Are there any duplicate pages or overlapping content that needs to be merged or marked as obsolete?

Some information about the need for offline projects from "Offline Projects/About Offline" can be moved out and added to the landing page. Some information on the "Static Version Tools" page contains duplicate information as on the landing page (for example, about using Kiwix for reading offline pages). This content can also be moved to the landing page. Some pages that are kept for historical interest, for example, "Roadmap" and "Projects Overview," needn't be linked from the landing page. Projects on the landing page need an evaluation if they fit the criteria of an offline project. For example, "WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique/en" is about a writing competition that likely relies on WikiFundi (an offline project), but it is not an offline project.

  • Title: The title should be descriptive and specific. This helps visitors decide whether they would want to use the page. For example: "Accessing Instances on Cloud VPS" is much better than "Instances".
  • Image: If possible, include an image relevant to the topic, such as a project logo. The image can be centered or aligned opposite the title (right-aligned in LTR languages) using [[File:Example|{{dir|{{pagelang}}|left|right}}|30x30px]][2].

Currently, a related user group's logo is on the landing page, which doesn't make much sense. Ideally, an image that signifies offline use of wikis might be helpful. For example:

  • Topic overview: To provide context, a landing page should include a section that introduces the topic or theme of the page. For example, a landing page for Toolforge should include a section that describes what Toolforge is, what is does, and who uses it. This can be under an "About Toolforge" section or, if it makes sense with the layout of the page, in the first section under the title.

Require changes. Some stuff from can be moved. See above for ideas.

  • Table of contents: MediaWiki automatically creates a table of contents when a page has more than three headings.[1] Use template:TOC to limit the heading levels displayed in the table of contents so that it is meaningful and concise. To save space, a table of contents can be opposite the title (right-aligned in LTR languages).

This page currently uses __NOTOC__

  • Links: Links on the page go to existing, non-obsolete pages (unless for historical reasons). Link text is descriptive and does not include any wiki prefixes. Special:MyLanguage links are used whenever possible.

I found the following pages linked from the landing page as obsolete:

Besides, "2012-era overview" section has duplicate links as in the navigation portal on top of the page. This section needs complete removal, and any leftover links can be moved over to the content section.

  • Small groups: When linking to other documentation pages, a landing page should organize links into groups of no more than six.[3]

If it is referring to the navigation portal, then it has more than 6 links. Same goes for the section at the bottom of the page.

  • Link hub layout: When linking to other documentation pages, present groups of links in a way that is easy to navigate, such as Template:ContentGrid, Template:Colored box, Template:Contribution, Template:Portal list item on Wikitech, or a sidebar. Avoid organizing links with tables or headings.

I am checking this off as the navigation portal on the top of the page is easy to navigate; perhaps we should keep this one (and remove the one on the bottom of the page - it doesn't even render on small devices correctly).

  • Navigation between subpages: A landing page should include a navigation element that allows readers to move between pages within the collection, such as a sidebar, navigation box, or set of tabs. If the collection is organized using subpages, include a prefix search box.

The navigation portal makes it easier to navigate between pages easily. "Static version pages" is currently missing a navigation portal.

  • Status: No draft or outdated banners are present.
  • Feedback and communication: The page prompts readers to share feedback or ask a question. It indicates where readers can go to get updates or connect with others, if appropriate. A talk page exists (or redirects to a central talk page) with at least a welcome post.

The talk page is empty and doesn't contain a welcome post.

  • Maintainer resources: Landing pages help facilitate the maintenance of a set of documentation. If possible, include ways for people to participate by subscribing to updates, watching pages, joining editathons, etc. Be explicit about which pages to watch to help answer questions and monitor edits.

Based on this page's edit history, it seems that it is missing ownership, dedicated maintainers, and relevant resources.

  • Translation: If translation is available and the content of the page is stable, the page is marked for translation.

As the landing page doesn't receive frequent updates, it is hard to tell from the history if the page is marked for translation frequently.

  • Mobile: The page is readable on mobile, with all important information visible.

The navigation portal at the top of the page is readable, but the one at the bottom is getting cut off and not scrollable. Also, one of the section titles is not rendering correctly - one letter in each line.

IMG-4504.PNG (2×1 px, 811 KB)
IMG-4505.PNG (2×1 px, 431 KB)

  • Accessibility: The page complies with the accessibility guide for developers. (You can use the WAVE tool to check for critical issues.)

As per the WAVE tool, no major errors were detected; still 31 alerts were found related to access key, redundant title text, and link, layout table, etc:

As the content on the landing page is minimal, I could quickly go through the items in the style checklist and confirm that the content adheres to each guideline in the review list.

With that, the first review of the landing page is complete.

The navigation portal at the top of the page is readable, but the one at the bottom is getting cut off and not scrollable. Also, one of the section titles is not rendering correctly - one letter in each line.

I fixed these two. I also removed [[Template:Navbox_Offline_Projects]] from several pages as it's a duplication of [[Template:Offline_Projects_navigation]].

@srishakatux: Hi, do you still plan to work on this task?

srishakatux subscribed.

Unassigning myself from this task as I don't plan to work on this in the near future.