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"Another reason not mentioned above" license input textarea: Text is unclickable
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • On Wikimedia Commons, go to the upload wizard
  • Upload any file
  • Click "continue" to the release rights page
  • Select "This file is not my own work.:
  • Scroll down, open "Another reason not mentioned above"
  • Paste any string of text in the box labeled "The license is described by the following wikitext"

What happens?:

  • Observe that you are unable to select any specific text in the input box using your mouse.
  • You can move the cursor left and right with arrow keys, but you can't change the position of the cursor using your mouse.

What should have happened instead?:

  • Clicking in the text box should allow you to make text selections.
  • This is problematic for license tags that have parameters; users may want to copy paste the unfilled license tag and then fill in the parameters in the upload wizard, but will have issues because they cannot easily traverse the text with a mouse.
  • This problem is exacerbated for mobile users, who can only click and have no arrow keys.

Software version (if not a Wikimedia wiki), browser information, screenshots, other information, etc:

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Upload wizard: other license option input box is unclickable to "Another reason not mentioned above" license input textarea: Text is unclickable.Oct 27 2021, 9:34 AM
Aklapper edited projects, added UploadWizard; removed Commons.

Confirmed. The strings have changed:

  • This is someone else's work and is free to share.
  • 1. Do you know what Creative Commons license this work was published under?
  • Enter a different license in wikitext format

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 18-30-15 Upload Wizard - simon04.png (1×1 px, 250 KB)

Change #1048883 had a related patch set uploaded (by Simon04; author: Simon04):

[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] "Another reason not mentioned above" license input textarea: Text is unclickable

Change #1048883 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] "Another reason not mentioned above" license input textarea: Text is unclickable